Sdorica -sunset- Wiki
Welcome to Sdorica Wiki
Sdorica is a story-focused strategy RPG from Rayark where players assume the role of Watchers, keepers of the world's history and future.
◈ Sdorica is currently available globally in both the App Store and Play Store.
◈ Visit the official website to read the prequel novel Before Mirage!

Sdorica Eclipse Promo

Sdorica -eclipse- is here!
Featured Videos

Sdorica -aurora-

Sdorica -aurora- OP animation

Sdorica -eclipse-

Sdorica -eclipse- OP animation

Sdorica -mirage-

Sdorica -mirage- OP animation

Sdorica -sunset-

Sdorica intro

Notable Quote
Yiyi~ With that face of yours, you'd scare anyone half to death! You're mortal... but don't need to learn combat!
— Puggi to Pang
Characters ResonanceBy CategoryBy Position
Journey VentureEventStoryRegionExplore
Combat Status EffectsStatistics
General InfuseItemsMarketGuildsGuild Facilities
Mission MissionGuild Missions
Lore SdoricaPeopleLocationsCharacter Side Stories
Community NewsDevblog RecordBlog

Help wanted!

This wiki is currently under active development! Everyone is welcome to contribute to keep the wiki up to date. If you need assistance, please contact one of the current Admins here or in the Discord channel.
