Sdorica -sunset- Wiki
Amateur Hour
(Amateur Hour) Pang

Battle Info

Base Stats
Attack {{{attack}}} Attack power Icon Health {{{health}}} Health Icon Revive {{{revive}}} Revive Icon
Base stats taken at R Tier, Level 1. For more details, see Statistics

Advisor Skill [Advisor Skill] Acupoint Attack
Attack (Attack power Icon x 1.5) front row enemy. [CD: 7]
Passive Skill [Passive Skill] Merciless Meridians
Upon Tier SR, unlock passive skill.
1 Orb Skill Icon [1-orb skill] One Paw Man
Attack (Attack power Icon x 0.75) front row enemy. Grant self Damage Reduction Icon Damage Reduction for 2 turns.
2 Orb Skill Icon [2-orb skill] Pawerful Punch
Attack (Attack power Icon x 1.5) front row enemy.
4 Square Orb Skill Icon [4-orb skill, square] Paws Won't Pause
Attack (Attack power Icon x 3) front row enemy.


Resonance Level Tear Material Soul Energy Character Mineral
N Tier   to   R Tier
Tear of Valiant Warrior Icon
Prairie Stone Tablet Icon
Gold R Soul Energy Icon
Pang Character Mineral Icon
Curren Icon



Pang Signature

A wandering tiger from the East Alliance, skilled in martial arts and speaks in the lilting tongue of the Orient. Large of frame and expert in unarmed combat, this big bruiser descends from a long line of royal guardians. Has major trust issues since someone fooled him into betraying his tribe, causing his exile. He now travels within Kingdom Of The Sun, honing his fighting skills in the company of Puggi, whom is slowly teaching him to trust again. Beneath the calm, collected exterior, a formidable humorist lurks underneath. Trouble is, only Puggi really understands his jokes.

♦ 20 yrs old (29th of Sea month)
♦ 190 cm
♦ CV: Tetsu Inada
